An inspiring evening on

Boosting Human Connection at Work

Waasmunster, Belgium | 20 june, 2024
Learn, Connect & Share 

With like-minded change makers.

Glimpses from our last event

Passionate about employee engagement, belonging at work & a happier work-life balance? Are you a CEO or HR Manager? Are you a coach?

Join us on 20 June for our next event.
Have the conversations you want to have. Share your ideas and insights. Be inspired by those leading by example to start making a change.

Meet modern leaders who truly

connect with people.















Boosting Effective Communication at work

7 Simple Languages to

Connect with your Team

Want to connect easily with Gen X to Z at work? Discover the hidden needs of each generation and learn to speak their language – the secret to lasting Employee Engagement. Easy, powerful & fun.

Human Potential Expert,
Founder, Happiness at Work Experience

Boosting the Human-Factor at Work

Scientific Impact of Inclusion on Performance & Happiness

Want to know why human relationships at work make a huge difference? Learn the science of connection, belonging and a shared purpose on your team’s happiness and performance.

Professor Economics of Health & Wellbeing

Modern Leadership with

Feminine/Masculine Balance

Panel Discussion

CEO, Handicap International

Coordinator Happy Team, Bank van Breda

Co-author, ‘Medewerkers aan zet’

Human Potential Expert,
Founder, Happiness at Work Experience

Former CEO, Mylène

Author, Conspiracy of Happiness

Modern Leadership with Feminine/Masculine Balance

Panel Discussion

Boosting Connection to your True Self

How to unlock your

‘Inner Gold’

The CEO who dared to follow her true calling. She shows you how to be your best and most energetic version by connecting your daily life and work with the rhythm of nature.


Former CEO, Accent Jobs

Boosting Employee Experience at Work

Easy Human Connection with

Music Mind-Hacks.

Learn how to use music & your senses as 5 min hacks to connect with yourself, feel a sense of belonging and create a warm & open environment at work.

Creative Director, Happiness at Work Experience
Founder, Conscious Music Code

Get ready for a special

multi-sensory experience

Tune into your senses with very own multi-sensory wellbeing technology using Music. Aromas. Visuals.

Step into a beautiful state of mind & body for enhanced learning.

Don’t not just listen but have a deeper experience, that stays with you..

Limited seats for a close community gathering
When and where?

20 June 2024

18:30 – 22:30

De Koolputten,

Koolputten 2

9250 Waasmunster

Find on Google maps

Limited seats.

69€ only

(Excl VAT)

🥂 Drinks and small bites included 🎉


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Tickets coming soon. Please join the waitlist.

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