An inspiring evening on

boosting human-potential at work.

Waasmunster, Belgium | 29 Feb, 2024

Learn, Connect & Share 

With like-minded change makers.

We welcome you to an intimate gathering of action-takers exploring new ways to boosting human potential at work.

Passionate about employee engagement, wellbeing at work,
and a happier work-life balance? Are you a CEO or HR Manager? Are you a coach?

Join us on 29 Feb to have the conversations you want to have. Share your ideas and insights. Be inspired by those leading by example to start making a change.

Meet modern leaders that

empower people.











Know more about the speakers

Get ready for a special

multi-sensory experience

Tune into your senses with very own multi-sensory wellbeing technology using Music. Aromas. Visuals.

Step into a beautiful state of mind & body for enhanced learning. Don’t not just listen but have a deeper experience, that stays with you.

Limited seats for a close community gathering

Boosting Engagement at work

The super-power of appreciation.

Want to bring forth the best in your people? Learn how to use the power of appreciation and recognising human potential to boost engagement.

Speaker, Author on HR Strategy & Culture

Boosting High-Energy at work

Master your energy and performance.

Always feeling exhausted from working too hard? Learn how to boost your energy-levels and activate your highest potential, at work & in daily life.

TV Host, Public Speaker & Physical Coach

Boosting X-factor Leadership at work

The essentials of a future-proof leader.

Want to be an impactful leader inspiring all generations including Gen Z? Learn how to integrate all the essential factors of leadership for the workplace of tomorrow. Starting today.

Human potential Expert,

Founder, Happiness at Work Experience

Boosting People-Impact at work

The secret power of clothing, unveiled.
Want to show up to work feeling awesome about yourself? Learn how your unique style can level up your personality, boost your self-confidence and your impact on people.
Europe’s #1 Fashion Psychologist

Boosting Employee-Experience at work

Music mind-hacks for better performance.

Feeling stressed, stuck or blocked in your mind? Learn how to use music & your senses as 5 min hacks to unlock your mind. Be more creative, increase your focus and feel happier at work.

Wellbeing Experience expert, Founder, Conscious Music Code

When and where?

29 Feb 2024

18:30 – 22:00

De Koolputten,

Koolputten 2

9250 Waasmunster

Find on Google maps

See detailed program
Limited seats. Crazy prices.

49€ only

(Excl VAT)

🥂 Drinks and small bites included 🎉


Excited to see you at

29 Feb 2024, De Koolputten, Koolputten 2, 9250 Waasmunster

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